3 Critical
Lessons for Sponsors From The Ice Bucket Challenge
If you have a Facebook account, by now you’ve seen dozens of friends,
relatives and celebrities doused with ice water, in the Ice Bucket Challenge.
Perhaps you’ve even been challenged – and accepted – yourself.
More than a fun event and a worthwhile fund-raiser, the Ice Bucket Challenge
offers these lessons to marketers – and particularly sponsors – on how to
engage consumers:
1. Extreme sells.
If this was the Lukewarm Water Challenge, everyone would yawn. But the Ice
Bucket Challenge gets your attention because the very concept is a cold slap in
the face (without actually being harmful, of course). This is the factor that makes
extreme sports so worthy of consideration. In mainstream sports, “extreme” is winning
a championship.
2. Viral is for
real. I’m sure you’ve participated in meetings where you discussed the power of
viral marketing as a concept. You may even have seen impressive numbers from
campaigns. But forget the numbers, this is a tangible, in-your-face example of
viral marketing at work, expressed in tens of thousands of homemade videos.
3. It’s all about
the idea. Marketing and advertising firms have known this for years. If you
come up with the right idea, management will buy (fund) it. That’s why you need
creative people on staff.
Hard work isn’t enough, you need a blockbuster idea.
Taken together, these points illustrate the potential for the right
sponsorship marketing idea to take off.
You don’t need a high profile sponsorship to make it work, either. Who
would have listed ALS as among the first three charities to come to mind, prior
to the Ice Bucket Challenge? Even now, you see ALS described as “better known
as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.”
Take the sponsorship marketing program you have, and find the “ice
water” element. It has to be clever, simple, scalable and inexpensive. Like the
Ice Bucket Challenge, it needs a call to action that compels consumers to take
the next step in engaging your brand.
And yes, it helps if your idea has a social responsibility element. But
it’s more important that it be fun.